How much do you know your inner potential

 How should we read our inner potential

We'll never know our inner potential

There are many subjects in life, but if we talk to you about one of the most important topics, then it would be that how much do we know the ability inside us, do we have any ability in us too? 

Ability is inside every person and it is a fact but some people recognize their ability and some people do not recognize their ability throughout life. If we see this ability in the right way, then it is our ability and we are able to use our ability properly in our life or not, how do we know whether it is there or not.

Never think of yourself as a loser, there will be something inside you so that you can do something in life, we see in the world that some people race for others but this should not happen. Because it is not a good thing to do harras to others, we always harm ourselves, we should keep in mind in our life that what is the ability in us, if we will recognize the ability inside us, then only we will move towards success in life.

Example-:  You must have seen that some people assess by looking at a person as example a person's name is Ram. He saw Satish that he is earning a lot of money. Satish has opened a travel agency and he is earning a lot of money. Ram seeing him is thinking that I should also open a travel agency and Ram also opens a travel agency one day while Ram had different skills but he started copying others Ram was very good at studies and he could have become a software engineer but he left his studies after seeing Satish earning money and he started a travel agency.

But what happened is that Ram's travel agency did not work because he was never ready for travel agency, his ability was taking him towards studies and now he could neither study nor travel agency business success. found to be  If Ram had completed his studies properly and became a software engineer then he would have a different identity but he got so busy imitating other person that he never recognized his potential, he never paid attention to his potential.

We should always depend on our ability

This story makes us understand that we should see our ability, we should not be our ability by looking at other person if we are on our ability then here thing is always harmful for us.  Every person wants a good life but it does not mean that you start copying others and do not recognize your ability, we should recognize our ability first and we should work on that so that we are the best in our field could
